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Dr Saumitra Goyal

Photo of Dr Saumitra Goyal


  • Associate Consultant, Division of Orthopaedic Trauma, Orthopaedic Surgery, National University Hospital
  • Associate Consultant, Division of Adult Reconstruction and Joint Replacement Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery, Alexandra Hospital


MBBS (CMC Vellore, Ind), MRCS (Ire), MMed Ortho (Sing), FRCSEd (Ortho)


Dr Saumitra Goyal is an Associate Consultant in orthopaedics at National University Health System, Singapore rendering services for complex orthopaedic trauma, joint replacement and adult reconstruction surgery. 


He graduated from the prestigious Christian Medical College, Vellore, India in 2009 and was awarded Gold Medal for best outgoing trainee in orthopaedics, Manipal University, India in 2013. He completed fellowship in Advance Trauma and Pelvic and Acetabular fracture management from Assiut University Egypt and Hip and Knee Surgery from National University Hospital Singapore in the year 2015-2016. 


When he relocated to Singapore in 2016, he joined the NUH Orthopaedics residency training and completed his Fellowhip Royal College of Surgeon (Edinburgh) in Orthopaedics and Trauma in 2024. With over 14 years’ experience in Orthopaedic practice he joined recently as Associate Consultant at Department of Orthopaedics at National University Hospital (NUH) and Alexandra Hospital (AH), Singapore.


His professional degrees and accreditations include:


  1. MBBS (CMC, Vellore India)
  2. MS Ortho (Manipal University, India)
  3. MMed Ortho (NUS)
  4. MRCS (Ireland)
  5. FRCS Ortho and Trauma (Edinburgh)

He has obtained the following fellowships:

  • Fellowship in ‘Pelvic-Acetabular Trauma and Adult Hip Reconstruction’ at Assiut University Hospitals under Prof. Osama Farouk, Chairperson AO Trauma Egypt from Sep 2014 to Jan 2015.
  • Fellowship in ‘Hip and Knee surgery’ at NUH, Singapore under Asst. Prof Lingaraj Krishna, Ex-Head & Senior Consultant, Division of Sports Medicine & Surgery; Consultant, Division of Hip & Knee Surgery, National University Hospital, Singapore from April 2015 to October 2015.

With a keen interest in research and academics, Dr Goyal has contributed to numerous book chapters, national and international publications right from his days as a medical student. 


(Citations till date: 24, h-index: 3, RG score: 9.51)

  1. 1. Mitra S, Goyal S, Muliyil JP, Jacob KS. Attitude, concerns and conduct of research among medical students.National Medical Journal of India.2006 Nov-Dec; 19(6): 346-7 PMID:  17343024
  2. Tyagi MG, Goyal S, Sathyakumar K, Subbana PK. Influence of erythrocyte functionenhancing drugs on the bronchoprotective actions of chemokine receptor blockers in mice. Med Sci Monit.2006; 12(8): 279-282PMID: 16865060
  3. Goyal S, Kannangai R, Abraham AM, Ebenezer DL, Sridharan G. Lack of increased frequency of human immunodeficiency virus infection in individuals with dengue-like illness in South India.Indian J Med Microbiol.2007 Jul; 25(3): 300-1.DOI:10.4103/0255-0857.34784 PMID:17901660
  4. Tripathy SK, Goyal S. Alendronate induced stress fracture. 2012
  5. Pandey V, Goyal S, Rao PS (2014) Knee Anatomy. In Ashok Rajgopal (Ed.) Knee Surgery (pp: 369-394). New Delhi, JAYPEE Brothers.
  6. Naik M, Tripathy SK, Goyal S, Rao SK. Combined Acromioclavicular joint dislocation and Coracoid avulsion in an adult. BMJ case reports. 2015 May. DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2014-208563 PMID: 25994429
  7. Goyal S, Galal HS. Osteoid Osteoma (OO) of the Coracoid: A case report of Arthroscopic excision and review of literature. 2015 (1) SICOT-J. DOI: 10.1051/sicotj/2015016
  8. Health training in the Private Sector. Editorial in SICOT e-Newsletter Issue 77 – December 2015.
  9. Goyal S, Matias N, Pandey V, Acharya KV. Are pre-operative anthropometric parameters helpful in predicting length and thickness of quadrupled hamstring graft for ACL reconstruction in adults? – ‘A prospective study and literature review’. International Orthopaedics. 2016 Jan 1:40(1):173-81. DOI: 10.1007/s00264-015-2818-3 PMID: 26105766
  10. Galal HS, Goyal S, Fetih TN. Meniscus delivery: a maneuver for easy arthroscopic access to the posterior horn of the medial meniscus. 2016 (2) SICOT-J. DOI: 10.1051/sicotj/2016007
  11. Goyal S, Radi MA, Ramadan IK, Galal HS. Arthroscopic skills assessment and use of box model for training in Arthroscopic surgery using Sawbones – ‘FAST’ Workstation. 2016 SICOT-J, 2,37
  12. Goyal S, Naik MA, Tripathy SK, Rao SK. Functional outcome of tibial fracture with acute compartment syndrome and correlation to deep posterior compartment pressure. World J Orthop 2017; 8(5): 385-393
  13. Singh A, Wei DT, Lin CTP, Liang S, Goyal S, Tan KA Chin BZ, Krishna L. Concomitant Meniscal Injury in Anterior Cruciate Ligament does not lead to poorer post-operative outcomes. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2017 Jul 15. DOI: 10.1007/s00167-017-4635-2
  14. Goyal S, Chua C, Chen YS, Murphy D, O 'Neill GK. Utility of 3D printed models as adjunct in acetabular fracture teaching for Orthopaedic trainees. BMC Med Educ. 2022 Aug 2;22(1):595. doi: 10.1186/s12909-022-03621-2. PMID: 35918716; PMCID: PMC9344721. 


He is a member of many organizations and his affiliations include:

  1. Singapore Medical Association – Member 
  2. Singapore Orthopaedic Association – Associate Member
  3. Société Internationale de Chirurgie Orthopédique et de Traumatologie (SICOT) – Associate Member
  4. AO Trauma Asia Pacific – Bronze level member
  5. Asian Association for Dynamic Osteosynthesis (AADO) – Member
  6. Indian Orthopaedic Association (IOA) – Associate member
  7. Indian Arthroscopy Society (IAS) – Life member
  8. Intertional Society for Knowledge for Surgeons on Arthroscopy and Arthroplasty 
    (ISKSAA) – Life member
  9. Karnataka Orthopaedic Association (KOA) – Life member


Dr Goyal’s areas of specialization include complex trauma, adult reconstruction and joint replacement including modern techniques of artificial intelligence (AI) and Robotic surgery. And beside a surgeon he is an enthusiastic educator, Dr Goyal has a special interest in bringing modern methods of training to medical education and Orthopaedic Surgery related research and quality improvement and leadership. He has completed the NUHS Residency Leadership Development Programme in 2022. To keep his knowledge up-to-date, he continuously attends and has presented his work at various national and international CMEs, conferences and workshops and is also involved in reviewing journal articles for multiple scientific journals.

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